Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Manually setting up synchronizing iCal with Google Calendars can be a bit of a pain. Our newest toy Calaboration makes it super easy. Grab it while it's hot.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


For those of you with GrandCentral accounts, please check out Vocito. Vocito allows you to quickly phone people from your desktop using GrandCentral. It integrates in with Quicksilver, Address Book and Automator, and is fully scriptable.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Google Toolbox For Mac Spotlight Importers Installer

The Google Toolbox For Mac Spotlight Importers for AppleScript, Xcode projects and Interface Builder documents have now been consolidated into one simple to use installer package. These importers allows Spotlight to search your sources and files which makes it easier for you to find your code.

Get them here.